In your time of trial and testing hold fast to your integrity just as JOB did in the scriptures (JOB
13:15). “Though he slay me, yet will I trust him”. Remember to maintain the ways of the Lord
during the test. Seek the Lord’s WISDOM and Understanding for your test because only he is
to be exalted. Refused to be lifted up in pride and fill your mouth with accusations and accuse
the Father falsely. Gird up the loins of your mind. Stand still and see the salvation and
vindication of the Lord. Why? The father needs to see that you will remain pure when he gives
the adversary “satan/Lucifer” the permission to touch you.
When he is given permission to touch your health, touch your finances (wealth), touch your
children. Satan has already accused you and said to the Father that you will curse the Father.
Satan’s strategy will always inquire and rehearse your past and declare your guilt to the father.
In your moments of prayer in humility be quick to admit and confess yes I may have sinned and
repent. Renounce the spirit of pride. The strategy of Wisdom and Understanding is knowing
you are not bound to the altar of sins of your mother or father. Surrender your right of self
representation to the Lord as he is your Advocate. IT IS WRITTEN: “ :”My little children,
these things i write to you , so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an
Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And He Himself is the propitiation
for our sins and not for ours only but also for the whole world” 9/John 2:12)
Make your election and calling sure stand firm in knowing that it is GOD YOUR FATHER who
removes mountains. Why? No man shall give glory to himself or another man because all
things in this earth belong to the Lord based on 1 Corinthians 3:21-23.
In this time of testing feed on the word at the scent of water you will flourish and live. Although
you are in the season of tests and struggle, wait until the change comes. Stay in the furnace,
don’t abort the process. When you feel weak ask for the help of your advocate and Holy Spirit
strength. Keep your hands and mouth clean so you can grow stronger and hold fast to the ways
of the Lord. In closing remember the Lord knows the way that you take; when he has tried you,
you shall come forth as gold according to the scripture JOB 23:10. Your foot must hold fast to
the fathers path don”t turn aside from it. The key to making out of the trial and test is to keep
the fear and reverence of the lord that is His Wisdom and depart from any temptation of
evil is the power of Understanding you will be vindicated in the end of your process.
Love and Peace
Shirley Woodward